Coach Laura

Hey Everyone! I’m Coach Laura. I am a certified Group Fitness Instructor and Nutrition Coach through NASM. I started teaching fitness classes back in my college days (30 years ago). Since then, I have been in an amateur dance company and practicing yoga for over 10 years. In the warmer months, I teach outdoor fitness classes and in the winter months I teach indoor fitness, dance and yoga classes.

I created Fitness Destination to inspire others on their fitness journey by leading classes in unique locations. This year I hosted a weekend camp in Leaf River, IL. We stayed in rustic cabins and worked out and did camp activities like archery, hiking and games. I love being active, having fun and getting results!

My nutrition and training philosophy centers around recomposition. This is the process of gaining lean muscle while losing fat.  If your goal is weight loss, then my goal is to have you eat as many calories as possible and still lose weight. This is done by prioritizing a healthy ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. I can help you find ways to safely challenge your body and refine your nutrition plan, so you can see the results that you desire.

I look forward to leading workouts, teaching dance and yoga classes, hosting nutrition seminars and creating awesome retreats where we can get out of our normal routine and reignite our motivation and have fun! Experiencing the retreat will allow you to connect with myself and others who understand the ups and downs in a fitness journey and in life. I hope to connect with you soon!

I can help you arrive at your fitness destination by guiding you with exercises that work for your body
and your goals. Lets go!!!!

Contact Laura